
New Year - New Location

We’re particularly excited to have a dedicated classroom space and kitchen in our new office. Over the past decade, our waiting room also served as our classroom, Unfortunately, this greatly limited the class times we could offer and how often we could offer them. The year will be able to offer many more classes, workshops and coaching groups during the day and evenings. Our January calendar is already filling up.  

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Your Optimal Diet Summit

In this day and age, we’re constantly bombarded with mixed messages about what constitutes good nutrition and conflicting information about one-size-fits-all diet plans. that’s why we want to invite you to a very special, no-cost online event –Your Optimal Diet – taking place November 5.  Keith Bell, L.Ac will be among top scientists, nutrition experts and doctors – including Dr. Joan Borysenko, Dr. David Perlmutter, and Geneen Roth – helping you separate facts from fads, and showing you the many positive ways that personalized nutrition can truly transform your health and happiness.

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Autumn Equinox - Preparing for Change

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory this is the season for letting go, a time for discernment and clarity of purpose, a time to clean out and clear out those things in our lives that no longer contribute to health and balance.  Autumn is a “transition” season, by that I mean a time when we move from a period of utmost warmth and activity to a time of colder temperatures and stillness.  

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