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Richmond Fertility Workshop
8:30 AM08:30

Richmond Fertility Workshop

  • University of Richmond - Jepson Alumni Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Win a FREE IVF Cycle! Click here to find out how!

Only $10 per person! This is an educational workshop for anyone faced with the challenges of infertility. The workshop will cover topics including the causes of infertility, when to seek treatment, and what treatments are available. Participants will also learn about Holistic & Integrative medicine options such as acupuncture and nutrition, as well as tools for the emotional and financial aspects of infertility. 

Keith Bell, L.Ac. & Josh Sessions CHC will be presenting Holistic Options for Optimal Fertility at this years workshop!

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New Year's Detox
6:00 PM18:00

New Year's Detox

  • Oriental Medicine Specialists, P.C. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Many of you told us a Detox would be the perfect way reset your diet and begin a healthy New Year. We agree so we’re pleased to offer this 4-week New Year’s Detox Workshop.

Based on years of experience and time tested nutritional science, this 4 week program utilizes a medicinal diet along with food-based supplements from Standard Process Inc.  Our Health Coach, Josh Sessions will be your guide. Each week, you’ll a detailed food plan designed to lighten your body’s toxic load, improve digestion and support healthy weight management.  

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New Year's Detox
10:30 AM10:30

New Year's Detox

  • Oriental Medicine Specialists, P.C. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Many of you told us a Detox would be the perfect way reset your diet and begin a healthy New Year. We agree so we’re pleased to offer this 4-week New Year’s Detox Workshop. Our Health Coach, Josh Sessions will be your guide. Each week, you’ll a detailed food plan designed to lighten your body’s toxic load, improve digestion and support healthy weight management. 

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Richmond Fertility Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Richmond Fertility Workshop

  • University of Richmond, Jepson Alumni Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sponsored by OMS, Taking Control of Your Ticking Clock is a FREE educational workshop for women, men, family, and friends faced with the challenges of infertility. The workshop will cover topics including understanding the causes of infertility, when to seek treatment, and learning what treatments are available. Participants will also be introduced to alternative Eastern Medicine/Holistic methods to be used in conjunction with standard ART practices, as well as tools to be used for the emotional and financial aspects of infertility.

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Integrative Fertility Symposium
to May 3

Integrative Fertility Symposium

OMS is proud to announce that Keith Bell has been invited to present at the Integrative Fertility Symposium 2015, located in picturesque Vancouver, British Columbia. The first medical conference of its kind bringing together specialists in Reproductive Medicine from Chinese medicine practitioners Naturopathic doctor, Chiropractors (functional medicine specialists) and Medical Doctors.

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Acupressure for Birth Attendants
to Mar 8

Acupressure for Birth Attendants

  • Temple Beth-El Annex Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop will provide doulas, nurses, midwives, physicians and related birth attendants with a basic understanding of acupressure theory and foundational training in acupressure protocols that may assist clients during pregnancy, labor and postpartum periods through informative lectures, demonstrations and supervised experiential practice.

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Introduction to Holistic Preconception Planning
12:00 PM12:00

Introduction to Holistic Preconception Planning

Pro-D Seminars Presents - Online Continuing Education for TCM & Acupuncture Practitioners

In this course the practitioner will learn how to effectively integrate holistic preconception planning into their TCM/acupuncture practice. Keith Bell will not only teach the step-by-step approach to creating a preconception plan for your patients, but you’ll learning how to determine a patient’s readiness and willingness to make important lifestyle changes. You’ll also learn how to best utilize a patients western diagnosis, laboratory testing and Functional Medicine approaches. Plus, Keith will offer valuable tools for marketing the value of preconception planning in your clinic.

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New Year's Detox
6:00 PM18:00

New Year's Detox

  • Oriental Medicine Specialists, P.C. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Evening Group

This 21 Day Detox is the perfect way reset your diet and health for the New Year. This Health Coach, Josh Sessions will guide & support you through the process with 3 weekly group meetings. You'll receive a  Standard Process Purification Kit,  helpful recipes and practical suggestions. Plus, workshop meetings give you the support and encouragement to succeed. 

We invite you to come be part of this rewarding experience, get healthy & make new friends. You’ll be amazed at how good you feel.

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New Year's Detox
10:30 AM10:30

New Year's Detox

  • Oriental Medicine Specialists, P.C. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Morning Group

This 21 Day Detox is the perfect way reset your diet and health for the New Year. This Health Coach, Josh Sessions will guide & support you through the process with 3 weekly group meetings. You'll receive a  Standard Process Purification Kit,  helpful recipes and practical suggestions. Plus, workshop meetings give you the support and encouragement to succeed. 

We invite you to come be part of this rewarding experience, get healthy & make new friends. You’ll be amazed at how good you feel.

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10 Day Detox for Blood Sugar
10:30 AM10:30

10 Day Detox for Blood Sugar

  • Oriental Medicine Specialists, P.C (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The holiday season, it can be difficult to get back into a healthy eating routine. This 10 Day Detox Program is a perfect way reset your diet and health for the New Year.  Health Coach, Josh Sessions will guide you through the process. We invite you kick start your new year. Come be part of this rewarding experience, get healthy & make new friends. You’ll be amazed at how good you feel.

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